About Us
What is a Metropolitan District?
Metro districts are quasi-governmental entities with taxing authority that are created to fund and administer services for the betterment of a particular neighborhood or community.
Why was Alpine Mountain Ranch Metro District formed?

The Alpine Mountain Ranch Metropolitan District (“district”) was formed as a quasi-municipal corporation and political subdivision of the State of Colorado. The primary purpose of the District is to finance, construct and maintain public improvements and to transfer, if and when appropriate, such public improvements to a homeowners association or some other entity for the use and benefit of the District’s taxpayers. The primary benefits of utilizing a Colorado Special District include:
- Limited liability through the Colorado Governmental Immunity Act;
- The ability to use, among other sources of revenue, the power of taxation to collect the cost of service on an equitable basis through income tax-deductible means;
- Exemption of the District from Colorado property, sales, and income taxes; and
- A continuing existence with elected officials.
What services does Alpine Mountain Ranch Metro District provide?
The Service Plan of the District, which was approved by the Routt County Board of County Commissioners, provides for the District to implement streets, parks and trails, drainage, water, security and covenant enforcement services to service the needs of Alpine Mountain Ranch.
What are the Advantages of Metro Districts for Homeowners?
- Metro Districts can raise more funds through the issuance of bonds to invest in neighborhood appearance and amenities, which ultimately supports higher property values.
- The taxes levied by the metro district are potentially tax-deductible from owners’ income taxes. This is not possible with normal HOA dues.
- A metro district keeps HOA dues low because many of the necessary neighborhood services are performed by a more powerful and well-funded metro district.
- Local governments and large organizations such as ski areas are more likely to work with influential metro districts to ensure that access and services are to the benefit of the community. At Alpine Mountain Ranch, the existence of the District allowed the creation of the dedicated entry road and bridge into the property.
- A metro district has limited liability through the Colorado Governmental Immunity Act which is not available to a normal homeowner’s association. This means a possible reduction in collective financial liabilities that might result from a lawsuit.